What I’ve learned from taking trips
Posted On December 1, 2022

Traveling all over the world has been quite rewarding to say the least. I am grateful for my experience each time my perspective is challenged by a different cultures way of thinking or doing. I would like to share with you all what I’ve learned from my trips to here and there.
North America – Nana’s House
I grew up in a standard American household, and my first herbal memory stems from time at my Nana’s house. Now, Nana was the sweetest woman I knew, and she could make a mean Yarrow & Honey tea. That was always her go to when I would come over with the sniffles or a cough. While spending time with Nana, I learned how to properly forage. She was always out in the fields picking up, what Paw-paw would call, weeds, and I would join her anytime I could.